Today is day two of our home tour! Last month we shared our master bathroom, and this month we’re spilling all of the beans on the master bedroom!
Remember, all details and links will be at the bottom of this post!
We wanted our room to be cozy relaxing. But I wanted to make sure to add lots of texture to the room where ever I could!

We just recently added this grid detail..and dang was it hard! We found out, as we were starting, that our ceiling is slanted. Now…this is a 100 year old home. It’s not level at all. But the two sides of the ceiling are 1.5 inches different. Which is HUGE. So we knew we couldn’t go all the way to the ceiling with the grid detail. So we went as high as we felt comfortable, and I think I’ll add some art of some sort above. Any ideas?

We actually bought these pillows in our first year of marriage from Etsy and were SUPER surprised when the package came from Africa. It was so amazing to support a women artist in flipping Africa! We love these pillows! I don’t know if they make these pillows again, but I liked their shop below!

I really love setting up little staged side tables, but Alex will have nothing to do with it UNLESS it’s functional. So this brown box actually holds charging cords.

I was listening to Young House Love Has A Podcast and they were talking about the book Joyful {which is now on my book list} but they were talking about how the decorative things you bring into your house should bring you joy. When I saw this beetle at Target I legit lit up. It was so random and hilarious but I knew I needed it. Austen and Hudson love it and I smile every time I see it.

A huge object of questions on Instagram is about our wardrobes…which are from Ikea! I looked up our before pictures of this space, that there was a tiny closet in this room! Scroll down to see those pictures. You can read in the master bathroom post about why we have these instead of an actual closet and how we use them…but here are some detail shots of how we organize them!

My hats hang on the side…I need to swap out my summer hats…and I think I want to add some hooks for hats on Alex’s side as well.

I have SUPER minimized my closet and I could probably eliminate 10 more hanging items from this closet. Actually since this shoot I’ve totally KonMari’d the drawers.

These ikea containers help contain my socks, and underwear, and swimsuits.

And Alex just stapled some window screen {found at Lowes} onto the inside door so I can hang my earrings up.

I used to have like 50 necklaces, but I just went through them and only picked my very favorite to wear! They’re just hanging on 3M hooks.

And then I just bought one of these jewelry dividers to store my rings and earring that can’t be hung up. They used to just be in a bowl, but this is much more functional.

We just added a desk to our room and I’m LOVING it. It’s so nice to have a specific spot to journal, or blog or shop online!
The desk is from Target and the chair is borrowed from our dining table haha but I’m looking for a really cool bright colored upholstered chair! I’ll find it someday!
I’d also love to add some really cool artwork to that wall to the left of my desk! I’m thinking some beautiful watercolor.

Again…we really like our decore to be functional, so this beautiful container on my desk holds by bracelets.

We have a fireplace in our master! We’re so fancy. We actually didn’t think it would be functioning…but we sold an actual kidney {not really but pretty much} and got a gas line ran and put an insert in.
This beautiful mantel is original to the house, but Alex did all of the tile work and the wood detail on the fireplace!
I really need to find something cool to put on the mantel. I’m not great at decorating mantels…I usually just add candles. Anyone have amazing inspiration for me?

This beautiful brass fireplace surround is a whole story…it’s original but we took it off to tile and because Alex isn’t professional we didn’t make sure to fit the surround in BEFORE we tiled. We figured it would fit right back on…nope.
So we need to have someone come and fix that…all of that to say…things aren’t perfectly perfect around the house. There are still things and flaws to fix but that’s okay! No one’s house is perfect and totally finished. No one.

Our bedroom really is such a calm place. It wasn’t when we first moved in. This room evolved over time. We slowly added things and tweek’d it until we got it to where it is now. And we still have little details we want to add or change. That’s what makes things fun to me. Changing out art, adding wood details, handing accessories. I love the process of making a house a home.

And before…we all love to see befores…here you go!
Can you even believe this is the same room? I totally forgot about that strange ceiling and the radiators! We removed all of them and did new HVAC.
I also forgot that we added the door into the bathroom! So many changes I totally forget about!

This original chandler is actually in our entry way now. We had it restored and rewired and it was just too stunning to be hidden upstairs so we installed it in the entry. And with all of the chandelier’s crystals and our beveled glass front door…it’s pretty magical!

And I totally forgot there was a tiny closet on this wall. So glad we got rid of that so this wall could be all bed and we could add that cool grid detail!

Here are all of our sources. Let me know if I missed something in comments! I’ll be happy to add our exact link or find something similar for you!
Wall Color: Secreto by Benjamin Moore Color Matched at Lowes
Trim Color: Chantilly Lace by Benjamin Moore Color Matched at Lowes
Bed: Amazon
Bedding Set: Target
Sheets: Target
Desk: Target
Closet System: Ikea
The PAX Ikea system is super customizable so you’ll just have to measure your space and figure out what is the right formation. We used the GRIMO door. You buy the frames and then the doors and all of the indoor accessories separate. We used them at our old house as well and love them.
Drawer containers: Ikea
Earring Tray: Amazon
Lamps: Target
Bug: Target Opalhouse Line Old
Desk Books: Homebody and Cut Flower Garden
Bug Container: Target Opalhouse Line Old